
Our client was looking for an innovative and engaging way to train sales associates in two core competencies: achieving their sales goals and measuring their results. Important as they are, these are complex skills to learn. Achieving the goal is more a problem-solving mindset than a list of specific action items, and measuring results is straightforward but situational.

Infinitude’s solution was to combine the two competencies into a single, gamified eLearning course in two parts. We leveraged the power of metaphor to help the learner achieve the desired mindset without resorting to a dry, literalist walkthrough of what the skills might look like in their day-to-day work.

In Sell Out, a witty and energetic companion character helps the learner through a series of locked-room scenarios that require them to identify common sales obstacles, assess the various strategies that could overcome them, take action to implement those strategies, then review the results to determine whether the strategy succeeded and at what cost.

The steps in overcoming the sales obstacle and escaping the locked room are intertwined. Understanding the obstacle gives the learner insights into where to look for clues and how to solve puzzles while performing those actions uncovers additional insights into the sales scenario.

The cleverly designed puzzles and colorfully illustrated rooms are as varied as the sales obstacles locking the players in. The fully voiced presentation seamlessly blends the course’s story with the learning, drawing the player through an entertaining gauntlet of challenges that requires resilience and adaptability to overcome — the same qualities needed to achieve the goal. And because the story revolves around a competition to be the first to escape, learners are rewarded with a higher rating (and a better ending) if they can finish the course quickly.

Technology Used

Adobe Illustrator / Adobe After Effects / Pro Tools / Articulate Storyline 360

Project Elements

eLearning / Gamification / Motion Graphics / Sound Design

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